
"Follow" Me on Twitter

Who would have thought that 7 years ago, a wee website that allowed you to post 140 character status updates about what you we're doing, where you were, what you we're thinking etc at any given time or place, would grow to be one of the largest and most influential Social media sites on the planet

Over 100 million active Twitter users Over 175 Million "Tweets" are posted per day 11 Twitter Accounts are created every second 1 million new accounts are opened every day

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You know I read an article recently that was talking about the drop in printed publications, magazines, newspapers etc and what factors may have caused it. The fact is that the exponential growth and penetration into our lives of the net and in particular Twitter is one of the reasons for this slide in the consumption / sale of traditional printed media.

So many people don't buy papers any more because they get their news faster and directly to their phone via Twitter Newspapers, magazines, Actors, Celebrities, Sports stars, friends, workmates, colleagues, associates, are pretty much all have twitter accounts and are posting and announcing and passing on (or 're-tweeting' to use the correct lingo lol) the news of what is happening in the world far faster than it can ever get to the news stands or the TV channels

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