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Magnesium Flakes Ancient Minerals 2 kg


Pure Magnesium Flakes, Magnesium Chloride Brine. From the Ancient Zechstein Seabed. Refresh your Body and Feet with a Foot Soak.

Magnesium Flakes Ancient Minerals 2 kg

Re-establish proper magnesium levels and achieve vibrant health… Safe, do-it-yourself at home method using Ancient Minerals from the Zechstein Seabed.

The skin is the human body’s largest organ — a living, breathing efficient organ of absorption and detoxification. And among minerals, magnesium is the most life giving available, a central element to the vital and microscopic processes of energy manufacture, balance and regulation.

Dissolved in warm water, our magnesium chloride flakes provide the user with highly soluble magnesium chloride.

  • Ideal for children and other sensitive individuals
  • Effective for stress relief and relaxation
  • Great for soaking muscles and joints
  • Soothes and nourishes skin
  • Product Details
  • Ingredients: Genuine Zechstein magnesium chloride flakes (and trace minerals)
  • One cup contains approximately 15 g elemental magnesium.

Product Application and UsageAncient Minerals bath flakes are the dry flakes of magnesium chloride and other naturally-occurring trace minerals in a convenient and economical form for utilization in baths and foot soaks.

Simply dissolve 1-3 cups or more of the magnesium flakes into a warm, but not hot, foot bath or tub bath, and soak for 30 minutes or more.

Magnesium Chloride Bath Salts and Your HealthReports by the World Health Organization have estimated that three quarters of Americans do not meet the Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) of magnesium. 1 Yet many continue to be unaware of the role magnesium and hypomagnesemia play in optimal health.

Chronic disease is on the rise in industrialized nations, and dietary magnesium levels are at an all time low. Making a connection rooted in previous decades of study, scientists have begun to explore magnesium as a possible “missing link” behind several of today’s most troubling illnesses. A study by scientists at the Centers for Disease Control, published in the Journal of Nutrition, explains:

Despite the role of magnesium in maintaining health, much of the U.S. population has historically not consumed adequate amounts of magnesium… Magnesium is an essential element that is crucial to hundreds of physiologic processes in humans. Not surprisingly, inadequate intake of magnesium has been linked to various adverse health outcomes, including the development of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and headaches. Furthermore, magnesium is important in bone growth and may play a role in athletic performance.” 2

Magnesium’s potent activities are a part of a diverse history of traditional medicine around the world, and today’s leading nutrition experts consider magnesium supplementation essential. Magnesium’s crucial role in over 300 fundamental biochemical reactions leads to a profound ability to influence nearly all of the body’s systems, an impact that is only now beginning to be fully understood.

There are several types of oral magnesium available for those who choose to protect or prolong their health with a magnesium supplement. Yet oral magnesium is not tolerated well by certain individuals, and some forms have been shown to have as low as a 4% absorption rate. Magnesium bath flakes by Ancient Minerals bypass the irritation and side effects associated with oral magnesium and are instead absorbed through the body’s largest organ: the skin.

Daniel Reid, bestselling author and a leading expert on eastern philosophy and medicine, recommends topical magnesium as a superior form of magnesium supplementation, citing Ancient Minerals as his topical magnesium of choice for his patients:

Of all the sources we’ve tried, Ancient Minerals is the one that delivers the fastest, most potent therapeutic benefits. It contains essential elements that no longer exist in ocean water today, and is totally free of any toxic contaminant.”

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